As part of Art Awards offered at Barkingside Art Club.


Barkingside Art Club is a registered Art Centre offering Art Awards to all our workshop participants and volunteers participating in our ‘Young Minds’ programme. As well as delivering the Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold Art Awards, we have worked with Trinity College London which manages Art Awards to establish SEN Art Awards. 

Our Sen Hour and Aussie Girls Creative Social Club workshop participants, as well as children and adults participating in certain project and events, can gain a SEN Art Award as our sessions are designed to inherently meet the requirements for the award. 

We encourage everyone attending our workshops to consider signing up for an art award as it is a great incentive to inspire children to explore creative activities and build self-confidence while doing something they love. We aim to make Art Awards as accessible as possible which is why we only ask parents to cover the moderation fee which varies per level. 

Please take a look at our Art Awards page for more information.